Saturday 31 March 2012

50 portraits in 50 days with a 50mm lens - part 3: 21/50-30/50

Before I finish the project, I better publish some more of the pictures here.

21/50 Simon, Sponsor A Puppy

22/50 John, Weston
I'm in the picture. Can you see me?

23/50 Sarah & Samuel, The Circus
This is one of my favorite portraits!

24/50 Shona and her family, Bath
I did a little job for this family and this is one of the outtakes.

25/50 Derek & Cyrus, Weston Green

26/50 Rod, window cleaner
Rod is our window cleaner. He flashed a builder's bum at our baby without noticing. But Shhh don't tell him. 

27/50 Thomas, Twerton
Little cutie. He is a mellow little boy.

28/50 Clare & Katja, The Egg Cafe
My new German friends here in town who I enjoy spending time with.

29/50 Raf, Julian Road Stores

30/50 Elli, Twerton
This is an outtake from a baby portrait shoot I did a fortnight ago. Super cute.

Monday 12 March 2012

50 portraits in 50 days with a 50mm lens - part 2: 11/50-20/50

Here are the next ten picture from the 50 project.

11/50 Jay, bike geek
This is my husband. He is as enthusiastic about bikes as I am about photography. I must get myself a 'photography nerd' or 'nikon girl' t-shirt some time soon.

12/50 Vicky, health visitor
I have seen Vicky quite a lot in the last few months and she has helped me get through some difficulties with motherhood.

13/50 Layla, Isabella's playmate
Layla was born a day before my daughter and her mummy and I hang out in hospital together. We see them a lot and I really like that.

14/50 Paul, Little Theatre Cinema Bath
Every new mother will know the feeling of not really being themselves anymore as all you do is baby, baby and baby. So once a week I go to the mother and baby cinema which gives my life back a normality that just feels lovely. 

15/50 Ross, The Thoughtful Bread Company

16/50 Pat, my neighbour
She is smiling while watching my baby daughter take her first crawl through the grass.

17/50 Liam, The Boathouse Pub
A pub we go to on a regular basis.

18/50 Natasha, Matt & Emma, Woody's Farm Shop

19/50 Kirsten & George, Weston
Kirstin is my next door neighbour and we have spent MANY witching hours pushing our babies around the block to stay sane.

20/50 Martin, Martin Chivers Photography
He took the official passport pictures of my baby girl. It was great having a good look around his studio.